Sunday, June 3, 2012

This Is Me!!!

I read somewhere recently that every business should have a blog, to keep their customers up to date with what's going on behind the scenes and since we ran our official opening giveaway from a blog I thought I'd give it a whirl.

So to start with, this is me :D

I've been a few things in my time...a teachers aide, therapy assistant, support worker...and going back a ways, a cleaner and a checkout chic at KFC.

Mostly I've been a foster carer and of course a Mum.
I'm also a Christian...not the kind to take my beliefs and ram them down your throat, but I do hope that those who know me can see them in my life :)

We have 5 birth children (aged 18, 8, 7, 5 and 17 months) and, at the moment, 5 foster children...An autistic 12 year old (Permanent), a sibling group aged 7, 5 and 4 (who arrived in January and will be here until at least the end of this school term) and a little boy who celebrated his first birthday last week. (he arrived at easter time and what his future holds is very much up in the air at the moment...I hope that we are a big part of his life for a very long time to come)

So what is it like at our place?


Pretty much all the time!!!

And Why, you may ask, would somebody with so much going on in their lives want to try and start their own business as well?

Well the answer to that is actually in the question!

Our 12 year old foster son has been with us for over 10 years and he can be hard work.  When Lee was working I was left to cope with him and our young family by myself and for the most part I did okay, but there have been a handful of times over the years when everything went to hell in a handbasket and I had to call him to come home and give me a hand.  This of course never sat very well with his employers and didn't make for a very happy work environment for him. 

So starting our own business has given us the flexibility to manage our family and hopefully have a regular income without relying solely on centrelink.  Not only that it has given us the flexibility to be able to offer a stable home to other kids who need one.  And for us, that's what we feel that life is all about!

You can shop in our store at or follow us on facebook, twitter and google+


  1. Wow, Erin,
    you are one amazing person to open your home to help so many!
    Best wishes in your home business, and congrats on all your kids!

  2. Thanks Charndra, All the effort you are putting in over at My Green Nappy will surely help us too :)


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